Antivirus - Cyber security & Technology


Saturday, May 12, 2018



In this technical era, security of the data is the big thing because we know Multinational companies, military, leaders, and government has too much confidential data which cannot be shared with anyone. But each day the average of new viruses is 15000 and this is difficult to make our data secure without an Antivirus in our system. Antivirus has many types:

·        Some antivirus are paid and they charge money for one year package and provide updations also.

·        Some antivirus are free or open source on the internet but these antivirus may not be fully secure because they are not fully trusted sources. Probably, these antivirus are made by hackers to spread more spyware through the antivirus.

·        Some antiviruses are paid but still they provide few trial period to the customer for demo purpose. But after the demo period they charge their annual charges.

 No doubt market is increasing day by day and there are end number of antivirus are available although pair or not. But still there are some trusted Antivirus  companies such as:

·        SOPHOS

·        McAFee

·        Kerspersky

·        Avast

·        K7 antivirus
·        Bitdefender
·        Avira
·        Norton

So if you want a good antivirus then you can buy any from these.

Types of Antiviruses:

·        Antispywares

·        Antimalware

·        Antiworms

·        Antiransomwares

·        Antitrojan

·        Antiviruses

·        Antiphishing

Some companies provide the combination of each type of antivirus which would definitely expensive but will be enough secure to your data.

How antivirus works??

Each antivirus works on its directory. Company put the directory  in the antivirus and declare all the names of viruses , Trojans, spywares etc. wheneven any identity of any file does match to its directory names it eliminate that file moreover alert us about that malicious activity. Updation Is necessary because number of new viruses comes in network and company patch that threats to its directory and that is why antivirus require updations.

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